Site Updates
12/15/23 - NEWEST!
- Hey everyone, it’s Poly. I have an important message for you all.
After a lengthy period of deliberation, I have decided to put an end to my streaming activities for the sake of my mental health and wellbeing.
This decision is almost just as sudden to me as it is to all of you, but I did not come to this conclusion lightly. I will be pursuing other avenues of employment that offer a more comfortable environment for me to work in while also stabilizing myself financially. I ask for the common courtesy to respect this decision and to allow me privacy during this time.
I’d refrain from calling this a graduation; think of it more as a retirement. There will be no goodbye stream, because this isn’t a goodbye. I’ll still have a presence on social media and within other vtuber’s circles. I may even pop in for collabs if I’m feeling up to it.
I will be freezing my Discord server as there’ll be no immediate need for it anymore. The Neocities page will remain online as I plan out other ways to repurpose it for future use. I have also contacted Andou with my intentions to vacate my spot in RAWR xD so that other talent can benefit under their banner.
I’m appreciative of all the unconditional love and support my friends and followers have given me these past two years. Poly was lightning in a bottle for me where my skill set could bring about a fun concept that everyone could get behind, and I am grateful for the warm reception that everyone has given me. I’m so glad I got to share Poly with you all.
- The Donate link on the splash and navbar now redirect you to my new Ko-Fi page instead of CringeElements, which I will be decommissioning in the near future.
- The button for the above has been updated to reflect Ko-Fi rather than PayPal.

- All links that appeared in previous site updates have been modified to open in a new tab.
- The Ko-Fi button has been added to the 88x31 list for public use.
- Removed the Schedule page and all links to it. All stream schedule info can be found on the home page from now on, including OG Meta tags for embedded links.
This move was to reduce redundancy and the work load of updating so I only have to edit one HTML page rather than three every week.
As for the schedule pngs I create, they'll still be produced and posted to my socials but they're going to be absent from the site until I can workshop a more presentable method of displaying them on the home page.
- The schedule banner has doubled in width to fit more ticker space and to increase visibility of the week's date range. This should make it more apparent if I've updated the schedule for the week or not.
- The time displayed on the taskbar now reflects EST rather than your local time. This is for a quick, more accessible reference to those not local to my timezone for when you can expect an upcoming stream.
If you don't like this change and you really need to know what your own time is, check your REAL taskbar. See also: literally any device laying around you at this moment.
- Two entries have been added. I swear I'll flesh this page out over a long break or something lmao.
- Added new button link to the taskbar for the Fanart page.
- Page created. 5 vetted entries have been added for the time being. Plan on contacting prior artists for hosting permission to pad this page out in the coming days.
- Added an entry for the HEIANKYO ALIEN sprite sheet mod pack made by kihabek on Twitter. Buy the game on Steam and enjoy it yourself!
- Added a verification attribute to the link.
- Fixed the marquee for Firefox browsers; refresh rate is just going to be garbage on there. Initially looked into a JavaScript replacement that should be better in theory, but if it's so good than why is it not easy for stupid people like me to get working?
- Week information is now displayed above the schedule ticker, making it easier to parse if I've actually updated the schedule.
- Adjusted right-margin for the Updates iframe.
- Edited the link to the Time JavaScript credit to direct to the specific answer referenced.
- Redirected the Fediverse link and button to reflect my new profile on

- Clicking on the Stream Schedule banner now takes you to Schedule.
It has also come to my attention since changing my default browser that the marquee underneath does not display properly on Firefox, no doubt due to its deprecated nature.
I will look into alternatives for displaying it when I have the time.
- Hardware update reflected.
- WebAmp removed from all pages except Home.
- Site Updates migrated to its own html page and then converted into iframe for the Home page.
- Timezone now reflected in the Stream Schedule ticker.
- All pages resized to a larger recommended width of 1024px to display more content. Apologies to anybody still browsing in a 800px window.
- The Links sidebar is now its own html file referenced via iframe; no more copy-pasting to all the other pages if I change something about it! Going to roll this method out to other elements in the future.
- Removed the footer from all pages except Home.
- Main elements have been resized and arranged.
- Added a stream schedule marquee. Doesn't pull data from other Schedule html assets, but hopefully I can figure out a solution to that.
- Moved the "Last updated" and hit counter text back into the footer. Also made it clear that an update could either be to the site as a whole or just my schedule.
- Edited previous update notes to correct a date listing and to include image references that I forgot.
- Table size adjusted and columns truncated so more content is displayed and less scrolling is needed. Why I never did it this way in the first place is beyond me.
- Readjusted formatting to be consistent with the rest of the site.
- New link added for BlueSky profile.

- Nicer style applied to the text table. Trying to figure out some xml/rss stuff on the side with this but it might be out of my league.
- Buttons added for BlueSky and a variant of Fediverse.

- New style implemented.
- Visitor count and Last Update text fixed; A curly brace was misplaced.
- Renamed the file so it (hopefully) no longer lets all of
China NeoCities know it exists anytime I push an update.
- I'm now a NeoCities Monthly Supporter! This allows more efficient updates via folder mounting, more storage and bandwidth space, and additional file types permitted to be hosted among other things.
- New button linking to my StreamElements tip page added.

- Webamp adjusted to fix issues interacting with it at its initial position.
- New area to display recent site updates has been added. No more changelogs in the NeoCities comments.
- Last Updated and Hit Count text will now be displayed here.
- Main article reformatted to fit the site revamp.
- "Stream Milestones" and "Games Beaten" info has been culled, as I've been really bad at keeping up with both of them and I feel like their only purpose was site filler.
- Formatting adjusted slightly to fit the site revamp.
- Page created! This will be where I display the weekly schedule in image and text formats when I return to streaming.
In the meantime, an outdated schedule is there to serve as a placeholder.
- Open Graph Meta tags utilized for optimal embed information when shared to other sites.